Monday, December 13, 2010

Web 1 Final Version 1.

My web site is complete, some what. I have complete 1 of my 2 different designs. I used a Java slide show on the front page with a spry navigation bar on the top. Feel free to right click + view source on my pages. I will be uploading another completely different design very soon.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Final Project Cont.

Web Final

1. Animal : California Condor

2. Mission- My mission is to inform about people who are researching the California Condor

3. Target Market: I'm going to be targeting people who will be willing to donate or volunteer to do their part to help the endangered animal.

4. Research:

- Other groups or organizations trying to recruit volunteers and people to donate because I want those people to donate to us and not to them.

Good Web Sites:

Bad Websites:

More to come.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Final Project

For my final project I will be making a web site for the California Condor. My mission is to inform about the creature itself and the danger they are in, as they are close to extinct.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010